alvin lou @ ccsf/home

linked style

embedded . linked . inline

Linked Style Sheet Example

There comes a time when you must decide if you are going to be an auteur or a procrastinator. Anyone who has the perspicacity to want to create web sites for a living should visit a shrink to determine if he is sane. On the other hand, maybe making a lot of money is easier if one becomes a janitor. Anyway, visit my fog site if you don't know what else to do.

Style sheets bring a wondrous new look to web pages, that allows the designer more control over fonts and object placement. Try it! You'll like it!

She told me to get the vacuum. Didn't matter which one, big or small. Loose dirt on all the chairs and floors. You are not reciting poetry here.

Note: This page calls on linksty.css for its style

alvin lou